3 Other Uses of Sugar Wax You Didn’t Know About

Exfoliates the Skin

Sugar waxing doubles up a gentle exfoliant. Sugar waxes stick to the hair and dead skin cells. Removing the strip picks up those dead skin cells and exfoliates the skin. This is part of the reason why sugar waxing leaves the skin feeling so smooth. Unlike waxing, there is no need to exfoliate before sugar waxing.


Removes Blackheads

Sugar wax has little secret, it can be used to remove blackheads! Just apply the product to the blackhead just as you would anywhere else and see sugar wax whip them out with no fuss. Not only do you get remove your pesky facial hair, but you get a facial treatment at the same time.


Food for Bees (Well... this one is just for Sugar Coated)

Diluted pure sugar syrup is a great alternative source of food for bees when they are unable to get enough nectar in colder months. This is only used as a special measure by beekeepers when certain hives need a little boost.

Sugar Coated sugar syrup is the only sugar wax that is suitable for this as we only use pure sugar syrup with nothing else in it. We donate a portion of our sugar syrup to local beekeepers to help their hives. We donate straight to the apiary manager so they can use their expertise to manage when to use it.


Sugar Coated sugar wax is 100% natural, registered as vegan by The Vegan Society, Leaping Bunny approved as cruelty free. It is eco friendly and has 100% recyclable packaging.

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